Hey dad.
The MTC experience is going great! Time sure is flying by. I can't believe I am leaving on the 6th! Which is also believed to be Christ's birth.
Well the MTC is not too thrilling and interesting to hear about but my testimony and faith have been strengthened beyond my comprehension. There are a couple new things in the MTC we do now besides personal study, companion study, classroom lessons, and MDT (missionary directed time). They have a new TRC (teaching resource center). Which is when you teach acting investigators from outside the world. They also have a cool RC (referral center) where you make phone calls to referrals and people who have some point in time ordered a book, or a movie from the church. It is the closest you get to the real thing while you are in the MTC. I have a stronger commitment now that after the mission daily scripture study is essential. I know without a doubt that I am doing a righteous work and I wouldn't trade anything in my life up to this point for my mission experience.
Well the email is kind of being stubborn, but I will fit it in this week. I just can't figure out my username to log in.
Well I g2g. I'll be sure to write you if anything exciting happens. So far I've just had some inspiring talks I have listened to. There are a couple of things I would still like though. I need email addresses from the family! I would also like a ward list with people's addresses. Make sure you get me Missy's email address. I need Suzy's address! Other than addresses I think I'm okay for now. Oh maybe make sure I have a lot on my debit card just in case. Oh I was sick for like the past 5 days but I made it through fine. Didn't miss a single meeting but it wasn't a very fun cold!
Love ya.
Elder Aaron Hunsaker
Mic and Kay!
Hey guys how it going? So I heard through the grapevine that I have a new niece/nephew on the way? LOL. JK.
So Mic how's the football situation? Let me know a little about March Madness too.
Well the MTC is great! I leave on the 6th! Geez it sure went by fast! I'm actually liking the MTC quite well. It's tiring but I have a great companion who is the district leader and happens to be allergic to wheat and gluten as well. LOL. Thank goodness he isn't emotional thank goodness. He is totally chill and we play b-ball al the time.
Kay how R U? I might need some more difi pomade. I'm okay for a while now but it does well. Have you been playing my games? What has become of my bedroom?
Well I'm waiting to hear from you both. I'll be sure to write you when something exciting happens but the MTC isn't very exciting. I'll TTYL.
Love, Elder Aaron Hunsaker
Hey Redster.
How is it going? Anything new? How is my Facebook doing? Can you believe I am almost ready to leave to Cali? I've got my flight plans ready! :O
Pops said you might get your drivers license soon!
Well the MTC is going great! Nothing too exciting though. Just full of the spirit fo sho!
Well I'll be sure to write you if anything cool happens. I'm waiting to hear from you.
TTYL. Heart ya. Oh
P.S.help Pops get me addresses.
Elder Aaron Hunsaker
What up chicken butt?
Haven't heard from you for a while. My MTC experience is going great! It's not bad at all. I'm enjoying it. I have really been spiritually strengthened. I just hope I'll be prepared knowledgeably once I get in the field which is pretty soon! The 6th of April. :O Sorry things are busy and nothing too exciting though. MTC isn't too thrilling. I'd love to hear from you though.
Elder Aaron Hunsaker
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